Responsibilities of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Well, first you must be wondering how life Bar/Bat Mitzvah is When you hit the age of Bar/bat mitzvah. Well, you become an adult and get full responsibility for your Judaic life such as getting to decide if you wish to keep kosher or take part in service at shul and more. If you have ever walked in on a weekday service you may have seen people wearing black called tellin.

You may have seen people wearing black boxes called tefillin on their arms or heads because after the second temple was destroyed they wore it to connect with God with prayers. We used to connect to God by sacrificing animals but when the second temple was destroyed we had to stop doing that and connect to God with with prayer. To make it even more holy, We used a prayer shawl. The black boxes mean like they symbolize the mind and the soul. Inside the black boxes, are Torah versus the Shema which is rare. The most interesting about this entire thing was probably that there are special snails called Chilazon that die tzitzit blue and they thought they were mythical snails that only came out on full moon but actually, they were seasnails. I have no further questions.


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