Innovation Day

What’s popping it’s your boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Waterking. Today I will tell you about Innovation now you what I going to tell you about. Lets get into it.


Kittystars’s family wasn’t impacted at all but however , WaterKing’s family was impacted badly because WaterKing and his brother have health conditions.


Before COVID we were able to breathe “freely” without masks or face coverings, but during COVID, in certain places we were forced to wear masks.


The biggest challenge for both of us was online school because there were so many distractions at home and neither of us could learn anything because the lessons were long and boring.


The hard part of covid for the least fortunate was the cold weather and the lack of medicine and vaccines at their disposal.


What were the positives and negatives of COVID?:


Negative: People were getting sick and some were dying, a lot of kids were converted into homeschooling or lots of kids in school were participating in online school.


Positive: Some kids were happy because their parents worked from home and they saw them more.


Wind Energy:


What is wind energy? Wind energy is the energy of moving air.

What is a wind turbine?

A wind turbine is an object that uses kinetic energy to power things.

We are going to incoporate wind energy by using a wind turbine as our base of our ferris wheel and when it turns it creates kintec energy and moves the ferris wheel. 

Water Energy:


What is water energy? Water energy is energy derived from water. Water energy is used when water is moving and people turn it into energy because of how strong the pressure is. When the water pressure is high it creates kinetic energy. Forms of water energy are water clocks and waterwheels. A more recent innovation has been Hydroelectricity, the electricity powerd by water moving over dams.

We are adding water energy in a way that the capsules on the ferris wheel will push the water and create kinetic energy.


Solar Energy:


What is solar energy? Solar energy is energy is energy made from the sun.

What is a solar panel? A solar panel is a board that is made up of silicone, metal and glass that makes energy out of the suns rays.

We are using solar energy by adding solar panels around the outside of the ferris wheel and the solar energy that is being provided from the solar panels is being used to power the glowing Mickey Mouse head in the middle and lots of the extra things like the Animatronics and the gears that run the capsules.


What are some other types of renewable energy?


Hydroelectricity depends on flowing water form one place to another it relies on the force of gravity to ensure that water always flows.Hydroelectricity is electricity produced form multiple generators made from turbines that make energy from the strong flowing water.



Biomass energy is energy produced by once living or living organisims. The most common things to make biomass energy are plants like corn and soy. The energy from these thing can be burned to create heat, or converted to energy.


What are the environmental impacts of wind and solar farms?

Wind farms empact nature, they change the wind direction for migrating birds and the large wind turbine blades are distracting and frightening.


Solar farms empact land and nature, solar panels are made with hazardous chemicals and heavy metals and when people plant the solar panels in the ground the chemicals are released as they’re being used and the chemicals ruin and kill ground.



Ecological impact of wind turbines – IN 60 SECONDS – Bing video

What Are the Environmental Impacts of Solar Farms?  – UGE International

biomass energy (

Hydroelectric power | Definition, Renewable, Advantages, Disadvantages, & Facts | Britannica




Our idea is to make a DisneyWorld ferris wheel with a cute glowing Mickey Mouse head in the middle.

We are using lot’s of renewable energy sources, wind, water and solar. We’re using solar energy by putting solar panels on the perimiater of the ferris wheel and those panels we’ll power the engine, gears, lights and such. We are using water energy because the ferris wheel capsules push the water when the are submerged and creat kinetic water energy. We are using wind energy by also, creating kinetic from the moving wind turbine blades. We are making our prototype by building it, starting with the base, a wind turbine then using decoration items, making it look original and pretty.


Now a picture.